

NU: Carnival - Bliss 100-Day Anniversary Fan Art Event

It has been 100 days since the launch of NU: Carnival Bliss!
Having spent these days with Eiden and the clan members, do you have anything you want to tell them?
Then how about expressing your thoughts through this event!
Your trusty butler will make sure everyone in Klein receives your artwork.
Participating will give you a chance to win virtual treasures and Amazon gift cards.
We sincerely invite every Master to join us on this grand occasion.


[Event Details]
Entries must be original pieces of artwork based on the theme of celebrating the first 100 days since the launch of NU: Carnival - Bliss.

[Event Period]
Today until Jun 9, 23:59 (UTC+8).

[How to Participate]

  1. During the event period, post your entry with the hashtags #ニューブリ #NUCarnival_Bliss #NUCarnival_Bliss100days #ニューブリ100days #100daysanniversary on social media (Facebook, Instagram, Plurk, Twitter). Please make sure your post is public and your entry complies with all guidelines.
  2. Fill out the entry form to register for rewards: https://www.surveycake.com/s/DdY3z
  3. Your entry will be deemed valid once you've completed the above two steps!

* If you make a public post of your fan art on Instagram and tag the official account @nucarnival_bliss, you will have a chance to be reposted by the team and added to the Highlights!

[Event Rewards]
Rewards will be allocated via a prize draw. All valid entries have a chance to win!

  • Amazon Gift Card ¥5,000 (5 available)
  • Random SSR x1 (5 available)
  • Contract Bundle x1 (20 available)
  • Spirit Gems x2,000 (20 available)
  • Strong Boost x3 (100 available)

* We will announce the winners on NU: Carnival - Bliss's official social media accounts, with rewards being sent out by Jul 14, 23:59 (UTC+8).

[Entry Guidelines]

  1. All entries must be based on the theme of celebrating the first 100 days since the launch of NU: Carnival - Bliss. There are no restrictions on style or format (illustration, cosplay, video, custom models, etc.), but entries should not conflict with NU: Carnival - Bliss's worldview or values.
  2. All entries must be new and original. Previously published works will not be considered valid entries.
  3. Please make sure your entry is public when publishing online.
  4. Entries must not contain material promoting violence, racial discrimination, politics, or any other controversial material.
  5. Entries must not include any commercial content (such as advertisements or sponsor logos). The artist's own watermark signature will be permitted.
  6. Entries must fully comply with NU: Carnival - Bliss's Material and Derivative Work Guidelines:https://nucarnivalbliss.com/en/news/20240125-guidelines

[Please Note]

  1. Those who do not fill out the entry form or who enter their UID incorrectly will not be eligible to receive rewards.
  2. There is no limit to the number of entries an entrant may submit. However, each UID can only claim one reward. Multiple entries will not increase the number of rewards that can be claimed or the chance of winning.
  3. Entries involving the following will not be eligible for rewards:
  • Any content unrelated to NU: Carnival - Bliss.
  • Stolen or plagiarized content or any entry submitted under an impersonated identity.
  • Malicious rumors, defamation, or the instigation of violence.
  1. If, after investigation, the organizer determines that an entry has violated any of the rules or regulations of this event, the entrant will lose all rights to receive any rewards and their right to participate in future events will be subject to restrictions. If any disputes arise related to your entry, you must bear full legal responsibility.
  2. If you have any further questions concerning this event, please send an email to ask-me@thedarkwind.com.
  3. The NU: Carnival - Bliss team reserves the right of final interpretation for this event. Please refer to the latest official announcements for any matters not covered by this event.